Deep Agro

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Psyllium Husk

Supplier & Exporter of Psylliun husk from India

Psyllium husk

Supplier & Exporter of Psyllium husk from India

Psyllium husk is derived from the Psyllium seeds. The Psyllium husks are further ground to make Psyllium powder. In India , they are known as Isaphgula. They flavourless and are mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry as a component during manufacturing of many medicines. They are produced and used for their mucilage content.


Country of Origin India
Harvest Period February
Color Off white to super white
Aroma Odorless
Taste Bland, Mucilaginous
Moisture 12% Max
Ash Content 4% Max

Health Benefit of Psyllium Husk:

Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative. Which means it can soak the fluid off your gut, improves the quality of the stool and hence facilitates in the bowel movements. It is one of the best remedies on constipation, diarrhoea and overall digestive health. It also regulates diabetes by maintaining the insulin and blood sugar levels.


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